Interested in expanding your flock to produce larger eggs? Although there is no guarantee that you will get the same size egg every time, investing in these breeds is a smart way to more consistently produce larger egg sizes.
Whether you need to meet size requirements to take your eggs to market, sell to certain vendors, or are just interested in a heartier breakfast, keep reading to learn 5 of the best egg layers out there!
1. Barnevelder
This breed lays extra large to jumbo sized dark brown eggs – around 250-300 per year.
These are less commonly seen in backyard chicken flocks, so they will definitely stand out. Barnevelders are incredibly friendly and make great companions.
They’re much more active than others on this list, and will require a larger space to roam in order to expend their energy!
2. Chantecler
This fluffy white Canadian bird produces 200 large to extra large brown eggs a year. Chanteclers are dual purpose and function as both meat birds as well as egg producers.
As a bonus, they are extremely cold resistant, making them a good choice for those of us living in regions with snowy winters!
This breed is gorgeous and will add a nice variety to your flock, but be warned — they’re extremely gentle in nature, which can cause them to be skittish.
3. Rhode Island Red
This popular breed produces around 250 large to extra large brown eggs per year.
These birds are extremely hardy, and do well in a variety of conditions. While not the friendliest breed on the list, they are a great choice for someone just starting out with chickens!
4. Leghorn
Another classic starter breed, the Leghorn produces up to 300 extra large – jumbo sized eggs per year.
Clearly, they’re excellent layers – so don’t let their small stature fool you!
Despite the fact that Leghorns are one of the best layers on this list, they are famously flighty and even seem standoffish at times.
5. Welsummer
Last but not least, the Welsummer produces large to extra large eggs that are a stunning shade of dark brown. They are fantastic layers, producing around 200-250 eggs per year.
These birds are fairly large, and much like Barnevelders, will need room to roam more freely in order to live the active lifestyle that they need.
💡 Developing a flock of jumbo layers? Standard cell egg cartons may not be able to fit these eggs – avoid taping your cartons shut with Jumbo Sized Egg Cartons.
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