Dreaming of gorgeous blue, teal or turquoise eggs to add to your cartons? If you want to know what kinds of chickens lay blue eggs, check out this list. Your customers will appreciate the pops of color in their cartons, and so will your social media followers!
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This breed always lays blue eggs.
This pure breed has been recognized by the American Poultry Association since 1984, and is one of the easier breeds to find on this list.
Here are a few traits to look out for when trying to purchase an Ameraucana of your own:
Color Variety: Blue, Black, Lavender, White, Wheaten
Comb Type: Pea Comb
Earlobe Color: Red
Have Muffs and Beard
Leg Color: Slate Gray / Blue
Foot Bottom Color: White
Tail: Yes
This breed always lays blue eggs.
Originating from South America, this breed is rare and one of the harder types to find on this list. Note that their distinctive ear tufts can be deadly to developing chicks if both parents have them.
Here are a few traits to look out for when trying to purchase an Araucana of your own:
Color Variety: Black, White, Duckwing Silver, Golden
Comb Type: Pea Comb
Earlobe Color: Red
Ear Tufts
Leg Color: Green/Willow
Foot Bottom Color: Yellow
Tail: Rumpless, No Tail
Cream Legbars
This breed always lays blue eggs.
This breed has only recently been available to purchase in the US and is pretty difficult to find.
Here are a few traits to look out for when trying to purchase a Cream Legbar of your own:
Color Variety: Cream, Golden Crele, White
Comb Type: Single Comb
Earlobe Color: White
Leg Color: Yellow
Foot Bottom Color: Yellow
Tail: Yes
Easter Eggers
This breed sometimes lays blue eggs. They may also lay green, white, or yellow eggs.
Easter Eggers are ‘mutts’ that are mixed with more than 1 breed of chicken, making them ineligible to be classified as strictly Ameraucanas or Araucanas.
Easter Eggers are not identifiable by any specific trait:
Color Variety: Any
Comb Type: Any
Earlobe Color: Any
Muffs/beard/ear tufts or none
Leg Color: Any
Foot Bottom Color: Any
Tail: Tail or Rumpless
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