You can use this trick to save The Egg Carton Store website to your phone’s home screen and make it look like an app.
That way, you’ll have access right at your finger tips the next time you’re running low on cartons!
IOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch)
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Tap the middle icon at the bottom of the screen – the one that looks like a square with an arrow in the center.
Step 3: Click ‘Add to Home Screen’.
Depending on the version of IOS you have downloaded, it will either look like a plus mark icon or show up in a list. Either way, look out for the text ‘Add to Home Screen’ to ensure you’re hitting the right button.
Step 4: Rename the website to whatever you prefer (we suggest ‘TECS’ or ‘The Egg Carton Store’), then press add.
Android Smartphones
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: On the top right corner of your phone screen, click the ‘menu’ button icon, which looks like 3 vertical dots.
Step 3: Add the website as a shortcut
In the menu from Step 2, select ‘bookmarks’. A new screen will appear that shows you how your shortcut button will look when you have completed the setup process. After clicking on this new icon, another menu will appear – this time, choose the ‘Add shortcut to desktop’ option. Once you have completed this step, you should be able to see your new icon on your home screen!
Windows Smartphones
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Click the menu button on your phone, then click ‘Add to Home Screen’.
Step 3: Name your shortcut button and click ‘Add’. Check to make sure the new icon appears on your home screen, and then you’re good to go!
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